'Asalatu wa sallamu alaeka ya Rosullulah
Asalatu wa sallamu, alaeka ya Muhammodah
Muhammodu ya Rosullulah
Toha, ya Rosululah
Yasin Ya Rosululah
Eemi Ya Rosululah
Asalatu wa salamu, alaeka ya Rosullulah!
A'salam alaekun waramotullahi wabaraqatuh,,

As we celebrate the birth of the holy prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), let us emulate the piety life of the prophet.

The holy prophet Muhammad was born on 12th Rabbil Awwal, (April 22nd, 571 AC) in Makkah. His father Abdullah Ibn Abdul Muttalib died before he was born. His mother, Aminah Bint Wahhab died 6 years after he was born. He was raised by his grandfather.

The first observation is related to the circumstances surrounding the onset of this marriage. The age of the Prophet was 25 years, which is probably the optimal age of marriage for a man. Khadijah was 40 years old at that time. If this point should mean anything, it is to show that the traditional expectation that the wife's age should be close to, or slightly less than the husband's is not necessarily true all the time. What counts actually is not the age, but the maturity and compatibility. Another point of this observation is the fact that the Prophet was independent, gainfully employed, and very successful. His efficient work performance and excellent business ability were actually one the main reasons Khadijah was attracted to him. Although Khadijah was wealthy and able to support the household, the Prophet (pbuh) continued to work and produce. This is another pointer for our husbands-to-be, that he is able to provide for the family. A third point is the fact that Khadijah was the one who approached the Prophet regarding the marriage through her friend, Nafeesah. Many of the Muslims feel that it is not appropriate for a girl or her guardian to approach a man regarding marriage, and that the man is the one who should ask for the girl's hand. The example of the Prophet's marriage to Khadijah shows that such a tradition is just a matter of false pride. It is quite appropriate for a female seeking marriage, or for her guardian, to approach a qualified candidate regarding marriage, as long as this is done in a decent, proper way.

Another observation is related to the type of relation and attitude between Muhammad (pbuh) and Khadijah. This family relationship was charac- terized by love, respect, and appreciation; by hard work, support, and cooperation; and above all, by unprecedented loyalty that lasted till the end of the Prophet's life, even after the death of Khadijah. How did the Prophet (pbuh) achieve such a beautiful relationship?

This is the aspect that so many scholars doesn't normally talked about, that the Prophet's marriage to Khadijah was a "one wife marriage". For 25 years of the Prophet's prime age and in a time and place where unlimited polygamy was quite acceptable, and until the death of Khadijah, it remained a monoga- mous marriage. It was after the death of Khadijah that the Prophet married other wives.

He was a man who respect the Jews and Christians. May the peace of Almighty Allah, continue to abide with the holy prophet, his household and all Muslim Ulamah. (Ameenah).



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