(Unedited) Exceeding Grace, Strange works! Strange Acts, Exceeding Grace!

Praise the Almighty God Jehovah for his exceeding grace and mighty works in my life and in my family. I am here to share this testimony to the Glory of God and to the shame of the devil. God has been faithful even in my unfaithfulness. He has decided to show me Mercy and Grace. When I felt I was alone, He brought me to a place of peace and also confirmed his words in my life.

In 2009 March, through the miracle of God’s divine connection and intervention I got married to my husband and after 2 months I took in but lost the pregnancy after 10 weeks. I took in again one month later and the same thing happened. I lost the pregnancy after 9 weeks. 

After these two encounters, I was privileged to be exposed to the word of God in Malachi 3:10-11 and I promised myself my next pregnancy will be full term and we will rejoice with the birth of our child. I also read some books “Supernatural Childbirth” by Jakie Mize and “You too can be fruitful” by Pastor Mrs. Faith Oyedepo. These books encouraged me to prepare for the birth of my children and also made me to understand that with God nothing is impossible. No matter what the doctors or anyone around you is saying God’s word will not go without being fulfilled in the life of whosoever believes it.

Oluwadamilola and her bundle of joy

Dami & Hubby

The devil also heard my promise to myself and God and made it very impossible for me to share this testimony on time, he attacked my family in different ways and everything just didn’t seem to work But God’s word came to fulfillment in my life 5 years after marriage. 
My husband and I went to severally hospitals, ran series of test and everything was ok. We tried different procedures and also spent money trying to get pregnant through assisted conception but all proved abortive.

In 2013, I was invited by a sister and friend to join a women praying group “Total women Christian Support Group” with some of my sisters and this helped me a lot to prepare for my miracle. We prayed together in the night fortnightly and also fellowship with the word of God every day. This changed my mind set about my home and Christian life. I began to see things from a different and divine angle.

Sometime in July 2013 I was asked to go for Pastor Adeboye’s ministration for women looking unto God for the fruit of the womb at the redemption Camp in Lagos from Abuja and I had an awesome time in God’s presence. I got there late and the place was full to the brim with no place for me to sit. I was determined not to get weary, I sat on the floor close to the altar which I believed was the best place because I was determined to eat the good of the Land. It was awesome; he ministered to our lives and promised us a change of level by the following year. 

In October 2013 my husband and I decided to go for IVF (assisted conception) again, we planned to do the procedure in December. We prepared physiologically and financially for it and during that period I kept on praying for God’s divine intervention. My prayer was also that only God’s will shall be done because there was only a 25% chance of it being successful.

I just had a conviction and faith that 2013 would not pass me by. I woke up one night with this word from God, Psalm 113:9 “He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord”. This word kept ringing in my ears and after this I knew my prayers were answered and my testimony was sure. I wasn’t sure how it was going to happen but I was sure it was going to happen.
Shiloh 2013 was 3rd to 7th of December 2013, I prepared spiritually and psychologically for it, my husband and I couldn’t make it to church until the last day for the program but we followed on radio and internet and we were indeed blessed. 
The last night for Shiloh when we got to the church ground, just as we were about sitting down, Bishop David Oyedepo prophesied that the last night was for everyone and even if we have been missing the past days God asked him to tell us that tonight was our miracle night. He asked us to write down one thing we wanted God to settle for us that night and that before the next morning it will be a miracle. As always I asked God for the fruit of the womb and we all prayed fervently on our request. 

We went home and planned to return the next morning for the grand finale, in the middle of the night I woke up hurriedly from my sleep because I heard a voice asking me what my Shiloh sacrifice should be. It was something dear to me but very insignificant to God. I brushed it off immediately and had the impression that God didn’t need the item. When we got to the service, the same word came to me and I just couldn’t shake it off so I asked my husband there in church for permission to drop it and he gave me his support. I had it in church so I dropped it immediately. 
The next week we started running test for the IVF and everything was perfect as usual and the doctor was looking at a February procedure. That same week a sister in my fellowship group called me that the Lord has asked her to share a testimony of two families who went through the IVF procedure, one failed but took in the next month after the procedure the other took in just before the procedure. She claimed she didn’t know why God asked her to share the testimony but she just had the conviction to share it. Please note I hadn’t shared this information about going for the procedure before her call and I wasn’t about to share it now either. After her call, I went into the ladies in my office and prayed again for God’s will. I also asked God for a distinctive message. I didn’t want to mistake His word for something that it isn’t. 

That same month, my husband was posted out of Abuja to another location and this put the whole procedure in jeopardy. The doctor found a solution that will still enable us to go ahead with the procedure even if he wasn’t around, but all this while, God had His own plans.
My period was always regular and I miscalculated my period days and was expecting my period one day later than the normal date. 26th of December came and went my period was missed. The next day I went to a pharmacy on my way to work and got the normal pregnancy kit. The test result came out positive. I was pregnant spontaneously without drugs or assistance but by the grace of God after 4 years of missed abortions and almost 5 years of marriage.

Throughout the pregnancy period it was one testimony to another. I took a daily dose of the confessions of mother of nations and my family surrounded me with love and prayers. God gave me two loving relatives to take good care of me because my husband wasn’t around. I had applied for an American visa like 3 times before this pregnancy. There was open doors in that aspect I received favour of God and man. It was a miracle, my mistakes were over looked and they even gave me a chance to correct them. There was no complication or errors on the pregnancy.
On the 22nd of August we welcomed our miracle, joy and precious gift from God. Jemima Oluwamuayomikun Oluwatofunmi, Oluwasemilore into this beautiful world. She is perfect, beautiful and indeed she is a blessing. 
I am sharing this testimony to minister to someone’s life today. No matter what you are going through or how the devil has attacked you, please note that our God is still in the business of performing miracles. He is never late but on time, He knows what is best for you and also will never forsake His own.

I am proud and happy to love the Lord and to be associated with Him. You can taste God and see how sweet He is.

Please do not keep this testimony to yourself, share with your friends and Family. Someone somewhere needs to be inspired, Kindly share to encourage him or her.

Praise Be to God!!!!!

culled from Oluwadamilola Owolabi's Facebook page


  1. Most time it`s good to share problem. WHO KNOWS??
    I suffered Adhesions that damaged my uterus and this is really what i think you should understand.
    I finally was able to conceive a child to my own the year 2016 after 21 years without any issue. thi s really was the worst thing ever. It was a miracle that indeed shocked me. because i was left with no option but to use a Herbal Health Concoction that was prepared from Herbs to help the Immune. I got to find out about this from someone and i talked to the direct source about my problem. He`s name is Dwr Dexter and HE told me how some necessary few herbs will be useful as to women`s health and recovery and he had to do what knows best. He sent the Herbs to me and gave instruction on method of use. this all happened and i really have been able to say i`m glad God did this.
    You can congratulate me (469) 573-2540 or mail me
    but don't call at bed time..
    You can get in-touch with Dexter via Email (
    Really just felt like dropping this, not for all Tho.Dwight dexter 🤗🤗 ....


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